What is a Speech Pathologist?
A Speech Pathologist is somebody who is trained to identify and provide intervention for people with a communication disability.
Communication disabilities include difficulties with speech, using and understanding language, voice, fluency, hearing, reading and writing.
Speech Pathologists can also help people who have difficulties with swallowing food and liquids (Speech Pathology Australia, 2011).
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Communication?
Communication is an interaction with someone to exchange thoughts, feelings, information and ideas.
There are two main areas of communication:
Gestures (e.g. pointing)
Body Language (e.g. crossing arms)
Facial expressions (e.g. frowning)
Speech (i.e. articulation of speech sounds)
Language (e.g. words and sentences)
What does a language disorder look like?
A child with a language disorder may have:
difficulty following instructions
difficulty learning concepts (e.g. shapes, colours, sizes)
limited vocabulary
grammatical mistakes
difficulty maintaining the topic
poor eye contact and attention
tendencies to talk about inappropriate topics
incorrect repetition of what others have said
What can impact language development?
Intellectual ability
Severe language disorder (SLD)
Being bilingual (learning two languages)
Language exposure
Family history of language difficulties
Medical and developmental disorders
What are the implications of a Language Disorder?
Students learn through the process of communication thus the following areas are impacted;
understanding and expressing information, needs, interests
acquiring adequate literacy and numeracy skills
group activities
self concept
learning appropriate behaviour and social skills
problem solving
acquiring and demonstrating knowledge in key learning areas